Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Wading Through the Week

Do you ever feel like the week is a boggy creek you've got to wade through to reach the other side (weekend?) I'm smack dab in the middle of the creek and although I'm glad to have a couple of days behind me already, I wish I was on the other side.

I might as well be 15 again....wishing the days away.....always thinking "life will be better when...." When what? When this happens or that happens. I should know better by now but I can't help but think that life will be better when this week is over.


Anonymous said...

It's 4:30 Friday afternoon and you know, Bridgette, how badly I hate being here. I am so seriously considering leaving Houston behind and going back home to San Francisco...

Anonymous said...

I just noticed the profile picture. Lovely.

I hope you got through your week okay. Take care.

~ bridgette ~ said...

anon - ;) I hope you were able to get through the rest of the weekend. San Francisco will be there when you're ready....

coolbeans - thank you! I made it through the week and was able to sleep in over the weekend.